A b o u t U s


W h e r e d o e s t h e t a s t e c o m e f r o m ?

The grape used for our prosecco is the Glera quality, a ‘white grape that grows on vines with hazelnut-colored branches that produce long clusters with berries with a characteristic golden-yellow color. Glera quality makes up 85 percent of the grapes used to produce prosecco.


The term “Marca trevigiana” refers to an area located in the northeastern part of Italy in the Veneto region, under the jurisdiction of the province of Treviso, extending over a geographically varied area that touches the Venetian pre-Alps and descends downstream to the Venice lagoon.
It is precisely these geographical features that have over the years helped crown Marca Trevigiana the queen of the Italian and world food and wine scene.

an introduction to landscape

T h e " M a r c a T r e v i g i a n a " o f t h e s e a p r e - A l p s


"And now I would like to wet my mouth with that Prosecco with its apple bouquet."

– Aurelian Acanti

A D.O.C. Winery.

A b o u t U s


Entrepreneurial, innovative and passionate: these are just some of the values that guide the company Marca
Verde in its efforts to bring the authentic excellence of Prosecco to tables around the world.

O u r H i s t o r y

Our story comes from my father’s desire to bring the taste and passion of real Prosecco to the whole world, while maintaining the classic methods, purity and historicity of its history.

Since our inception, we have worked tirelessly to cultivate our vineyards with care and dedication, espousing the culture of the Veneto region and using sustainable methods to ensure the highest quality of our products while keeping the history that distinguishes Prosecco D.O.C. unchanged.


O u r M i s s i o n

Marca Verde’s mission is to share the joy and beauty of Prosecco with the world, offering a unique and unforgettable experience with every sip.

We are committed to keeping the traditional values of our terroir alive, while embracing innovation and winemaking excellence to create wines
sparkling wines that are an authentic expression of our terroir and spirit.

O u r V i n e y a r d s

Located in the rolling hills of the Veneto region, our vineyards enjoy a privileged climate and soil rich in minerals, ideal for growing Glera grapes, the main variety used in the production of Prosecco. We work in close harmony with nature, adopting sustainable and environmentally friendly farming practices
to preserve the beauty and integrity of our land for future generations.

In our Venetian plain, the weather is generally warm during the day and cool at night. During the summer, the sun warms the soil and grapes, while at night temperatures drop, maintaining acidity in the grapes. Breezes from the lakes and the Adriatic Sea help maintain a
ventilated and healthy environment for the vines. Although it may rain from time to time, controlled irrigation helps ensure that the vines receive the right amount of water.

This creates a perfect microclimate that provides favorable conditions for growing the Glera grapes used to produce the delicious Prosecco wine

O u r T e a m

We are a team of experienced winemakers, oenologists and wine enthusiasts, united by our common passion for Prosecco and our dedication to quality and excellence. Each member of our team brings years of experience and specialized knowledge, contributing to the success and reputation of Marca Verde.

contact us

Do you have any questions?

For more information about Marca Verde or to place an order for our products, please feel free to contact us. We are always available to answer your questions and share our passion for Prosecco with you.